Friday, October 7, 2011

Weather, possessions, & space; a modern girl's take on immoderate living

   The weather has delayed us a bit.  Or to look at it another way... we needed more time, so we are blaming it on the weather.  It is extremely windy, a small craft advisory has been issued... but I don't even think that applies to us (Definitely not, Jay just informed me over my shoulder).  But we have some pretty big things to finish up with before we can skedaddle (like sleep, gawd I need to catch back up on my sleep!!).  We did make it to the storage unit already, so I have my scuba gear on board (yay!).   On the same note, we now also have more books & tools & cook wear (& shoes, I caved & brought some more shoes) aboard... none of which we really have designated space for yet.  At least on this boat we have the space, we just need to reassess the closets and storage spaces... actually, I think I can hear Jay building more closets as we speak.

   More on immoderate living later, but for now I must retire to bed in order to get my 10 hours of beauty sleep... well, after I finish these bon-bons & my glass of wine, of course.

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