Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hooked on Boot Key

   Living on the hook (as in on an anchor, as opposed to a dock) means we don't have power unless we run our generator... which we don't do everyday, because let's face it, that costs money & we enjoy being frugal.  So at night we open up our doors and enjoy this incredible breeze out here on the mouth of the harbor; nature's air conditioning.  It is cool enough all night long & well into the morning that we have to bundle up under two sheets, not just one (no blanket required so far)! 
   When we want to go up on the hill (go to land, just fyi, so you can become accustom to the mariner jargon), we take our dinghy to the city marina & use their dinghy dock.  We keep our bikes up on the hill, there at the marina's bike rack all locked up safe and sound for the night.  I love my new beach cruiser!  A few years ago, I used to rather not enjoy biking, but now find I do not much want to disengage myself from Harold, my bike (we named Jay's bike Gerald, both are men's bikes).  We tool around the island day and night stopping when we see a cool new tiki bar we have yet to try and of course sticking by our favorite for happy hour, Porky's (from 3-6 $1.25 domestic drafts and some killer $5 dishes... but since we've been adopted by the happy hour crew as locals, we get an extended happy hour to 7!).
   Yesterday, while we were disembarking from the dink, we were told by another man on the dock to look to our starboard (our right)... and directly beside us was this huge, adorable blob of a manatee, as long and almost as wide as our dink!  "She's an old gal, been around for awhile" the guy mused.  Though I, myself, don't quite know how to distinquish this information yet... except that she was a mountain of a manatee, so old enough to get that big!  Earlier we saw some of the most active dolphins either of us had ever seen (they were jumping and rolling around on their backs, it was wild)! So all in all, another amazing day we enjoyed together on Boot Key. 

   Today has started out pretty spectacularly as well, but I must depart from you all now.  The sunshine is calling my name, and who am I to ignore such a calling!  And it's $1 tacos today down at Sombrero Reef... catch y'all later!

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