Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Birthday boat ride

      Tomorrow is Cap'n Jay's birthday and we will be at sea, so no crazy partying, just sunshine into a moonlit night upon the great wide open blue, and surely plenty of dolphins to frolic with us on our way.  We will experience our third overnight passage upon Miss Betty, where the darkness of the swells is our constant companion.  The fishfinder lights up with fish, looking more like a map of the stars above than a menu of what's for dinner below.  And the stars themselves, well they will take your breath away when out at sea; no city lights to crowd the view, just pure constellations to guide us and hopefully a bright moon to light us.
   Jay says he is extremely excited to be spending a birthday on our boat, out on the ocean; a birthday wish come true!  I'm so pleased to be a part of this dream come true; to be able to give the gift of us together out at sea (& the 6 pack of Carlsberg Elephant Beer he requested).  I think I'll stick a candle in a honeybun tomorrow though, just so he'll have something to make a wish on... even if he feels completely fulfilled at the time, it couldn't hurt to wish for some solar panels as well!
   So today we've been celebrating some up on the hill; partaking in some adult beverages & cheersing to this wonderful man... I pretty much cheers him everyday though!  Hip hip hooray, happy birthday, you old salty dog! Happy birthday, Jib!!
   Well, folks, I've got to be getting back to the Cap'n & me thinks we needs a refill.  Til tomorrow, friends!

Our mermaid bottleopener atop our storm anchor's line

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