Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The key to my smile

I love being a keys girl (albeit newly keysy)! I have never smiled so much, so openly, so freely. Of course, I have never lived in such a fun & beautiful place before (except possibly Charleston). Not to mention the killer year round tan (natural tanning, no tanning beds for us of course)! About the only thing that irks me (or more aptly, really freaking pisses me off!!) is the mosquito bastard-asses! Oh well, better than the pests we dealt with back on the mainland.
Happiness, ahh! Welcome!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wild nights

It is rough out here on the hook because of the storms... Which makes enjoying Pirates of the Caribbean 3 feel like we are watching it in 4D while the boat rock & rolls tonite. We've moved past 3D on the Miss Betty!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


So tonite I worked out on the back of this behemoth, ya know, under the stars, the sea breeze gently cooling me off... But truth be told, it was still work. My muscles are quite angry at me, regardless of the gorgeous ocean view & the regular sounds of marine life breeching. So it seems, some things are still the same- i.e. working out still sucks even on the back of a badass boat in the Keys. Ouch! ;) Love to you all who take the time to read my missives, thanks!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My ever elusive Keysy musings

   What a difference a few months, a few states, a few changes in latitude can make. My, oh my, that is trite... but true in this girl's case.
   At night, the rocking of the boat lulls me into tranquil bliss; & then the sweetest dreams have become my inheritance aboard this vessel.  I dream of landing huge bull dolphin (Mahi), or reeling in a huge shark, once I even dreamt I landed both on the same cast! And upon waking, I find my daily life is as charmed as my dream state because I have a job I actually, ahem, ahem, ENJOY. That's correct, the words enjoy (denoting a "do", as in "do enjoy") & the word job are hereby being used conjunctively for me. Yay!!  Three days ago, on our way out to the reef we encountered two Loggerhead turtles mating... on my way to work!! Such a wonderous sight, & all while jamming out on the catamaran headed to Sombrero Reef for a little snorkeling. As they say, life is good!
  So I have been distracted; hopefully I'll be more apt to keep up with my wordy, wandering wonderings now. Til next time, y'all!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Praise for our little slice of Paradise

  In our travels down the coast we have fallen in love with, if not at least become smitten with, most of the locales in which we have made land.  Charleston gets first nod seeing as we originally planned to be there for a month, maybe a month and a half... & we stayed for about 5 months (also, I wrote countless blogs posts about the area)!  St. Augustine stole my heart, I wholeheartedly believe I am meant to live there for a few months during a summer (some summer, not sure when we'll be heading back up the coast... there's a whole lotta traveling south and adventuring we need to embark upon before we head back where we've already been).  Fort Pierce gets a mention because of the crazy kiteboarders & one lovely blonde lady we had the pleasure of hanging with while enjoying some of the world's best kiteboarding talents.  But Marathon... in Marathon we've encountered a keys-y culture inculcated with misfits and characters who have made this little island town home for us.  So to all our new friends, we love y'all & feel so blessed to have fallen into your lives.

"It' strange/ how I'm taken and guided/ where I end up right I'm needed to be"
(that really is how the lyric is written, I know it sounds a bit lacking in the grammar department, but it's the sentiment I enjoy) - "Quiet Your Mind"  Zac Brown Band

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

mimosas & fishing... I heart the keys

   We are fishing in our backyard today. Yes, we are fishing from our backyard, in our backyard, soaking up the rays & enjoying the best mimosas we've ever had.  Another perk of living on a boat; your backyard isn't just a playground, it's a marine wonderland of fun. 

  Recently, I have come to understand my favorite thing about living on the hook. Out here with the gentle rocking, the peace & quiet I am not just fond of but completely dependent on for a good night's sleep, we are a boat ride away from land.  Every day we wish to go to land (or have to go to land depending on the reason, for example, say we are out of wine...), we take a boat ride on one of our dinghies (oh yeah, we got a new addition to Miss Betty's fleet, but more on that at a later date, when I can upload a pic of the 24' walk around, cuddy cabin Jay bought me!).  See, we love boating, not just living on a boat.  The whole appeal really, for us, is going on a ride, not just sitting at the dock, or hanging on the hook.  We wanna ride, man!  Pack a cooler & let's crank that engine, I've already got a bikini on, you know it!  So we are good to go! And we get to go, every single day, on a boat ride... twice in fact, because we come home to the big girl every night (well, usually... that cuddy cabin is awfully comfy & we've been enjoying the apartment away from home, we named her Apartment Sea).  I love boating... on damn near all boats (even that time Jay & our new friend had to gondola style paddle our new friend's dinghy to his other friend's boat, so we could borrow his RIB to get to the big boat... at like 2 am! Still, loved it!)  Boating is in our blood, I do believe.

   Gotta go, we got a fish on the line & our mimosas need refilling!  Life in the keys at it's finest.